Welcome to Belle Vue Primary School! We hope that our website provides the information you need. If not, do not hesitate to get in touch!
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Belle Vue Primary School

Year 5

Hello and welcome to the Year 5 class page!


Here you will find some key information and dates all to do with Year 5! 


The Year 5 Team

5HD - Mrs Hickson and Mrs Devlin

5PJ - Mr Jenkinson

Both classes - Mrs Cooper, Miss Brown and Mrs Cuthbert


    Key Information



    Maths: Maths homework will be given out on a Friday and is due in the following Friday. This will usually be an arithmetic booklet, which is really good for practising the core knowledge needed within the Upper KS2 maths curriculum. Every so often, we may give something linked to specific area of maths to further consolidate skills!

    Times Tables: We encourage children to play on Times Tables Rock Stars (TTRS) each week. Ideally, this should be a small amount of daily practice, following the 'little but often' rule. Children have been given their personal logins, which can be found in their reading records, to access at home.

    Reading: We are working hard to become a reading community in Year 5 where reading is a passion for everyone! The children have a fluency chart in their reading records to allow them to focus on developing an area of their own reading fluency. Please encourage reading a range of texts at home, which may involve you listening to your child, allowing them to read independently but also them having the chance to listen to you too! Each child will bring a text of their choice home as their reading for pleasure text. We will be supporting the children in keeping a reading journey in their reading record so please ensure they have it in school each day. 

    Spellings: Will be given out on a Friday and tested the following Friday.


    Physical Education (PE)

    Spring term: Gymnastics with CUFC happening Monday afternoons. We please ask though, for PE kits to be in at ALL times to allow for additional Physical Activities to take place if needed.

    Latrigg fell walk

    Glasgow Science Centre 8.11.23

    Greek food tasting D&T topic Spring term 2024

    Our day of Greek food making, tasting and evaluating!

    Music - percussion instruments

    Still image for this video
    Members of 5HD taught us the tune needed for Twinkle, Twinkle little star - here's Jack playing four of the notes!

    Year 5 PE afternoon with Trinity Students

    D&T topic: electronics using crumble Summer 1 2024
